It has been a great day at Haleyville Elementary School! Today administrators and teachers participated in Instructional Rounds (walk-throughs) to see first hand the amazing things that are happening in our classrooms. Our focus was to observe how being prepared impacted learning and instructional practices. The definition of Preparedness according to the Alabama Quality Teaching Standards is as follows:
Preparedness~ An effective teacher will utilize the knowledge and background of the students, and research content, to prepare lessons that contribute to the overall flow of the classroom. (AQTS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
For a teacher to demonstrate that they are Exemplary in the area of Preparedness, the following should be observed:
Teachers​: Materials are accessible, researches and uses multiple strategies as evident in lesson plan, prerequisite skills are evaluated and foster growth, logical sequencing is evident and optimizes student learning, purposeful questions from students and feedback fosters future growth, content knowledge is evident and ensures student misconceptions can be addressed, all state standards are met.
Students:​ Have all materials and supplies for the lesson and are prepared for the unexpected need for a supply, are engaged and demonstrate enthusiasm and energy during the lesson, are self-motivated to learn.
Students:​ Have all materials and supplies for the lesson and are prepared for the unexpected need for a supply, are engaged and demonstrate enthusiasm and energy during the lesson, are self-motivated to learn.
We saw so many outstanding activities and learning opportunities at HES today that demonstrated preparedness! Below you will get a glimpse of the awesome learning going on at HES- we wish we had pictures from all classes!
Here are some great pictures from today that show what an awesome school HES is!
Serve with Pride, Lead with Confidence, Inspire to Impact Others!
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